Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fried Oreos....

Yes, that's right, folks. 

Fried Oreos.

On the front of the newspaper today, an article talked about how one of the popular carnival foods at a nearby fire company carnival is a delicacy known as fried Oreos.  It's exactly as the name implies: Oreos that get deep-fried in batter and then sprinkled with powdered sugar.  It's like chocolate funnel cake.

My mom is grossed out.  My brother is grossed out.  I don't know what to say....they look kinda gross.  The name definitely sounds gross.  It sounds like fried chicken gone overboard.  I think for now, I'm gonna stick to funnel cake and fried chicken.

What do you think?  Yum, or yuck?

Soli Deo Gloria!


Anonymous said...

Lauren -

That's interesting...I'm not quite sure whether fried Oreos sound good...warm Oreos would be good, but the batter/Oreo combination sounds a little bit weird. I think I'd try one, though, if I had the chance! :)


Lauren said...

Me too. : )