Wednesday, November 26, 2008

10 More Things To Be Thankful For.....

1. That I'm off this whole week! (It's good to be in a private school! {I'm not dissing public school, for the record})

2. That we have so much to be thankful for.

3. That, despite the bad turn the economy has taken, we in America (and other developed countries) have abundance of food, shelter, and peace.

4. For snow (I have to say this, because we've been getting snow flurries this past week....not enough to make a layer that lasts more than a day, but snow nonetheless).

5. For the opportunity to write on this blog and share my thoughts and feelings with y'all.

6. To be able to have hopes and dreams that can be potentially fulfilled in a country like America.

7. For friendship in a world where many walk alone.

8. For warmth of heart and body in a world of sorrow and coldness.

9. (Almost done.) For TURKEY!!!!!!!!! (Sorry folks, had to throw that is turkey many of us are eating ; ] )

10. And finally that, despite the hurt and sin that is in this world, we'll always have Jesus. And that is enough for anything life can throw at us.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Soli Deo Gloria!

Monday, November 10, 2008

8 Things To Be Thankful For

1. That we live in a wonderful country, where we are allowed to worship God freely.

2. That we live in a place where we can speak up for what's right, put down what's wrong, and vote people into office who will represent us (hopefully, in a fair way).

3. That we live in the USA! Come on, y'all! Say it WITH ME! U-S-A! U-S-A!

4. That we are free to have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

5. That we have the freedom to publish what we want to say (like what I'm writing like now). Within reason, of course.

6. For the freedom to learn more through higher education about the world we live in, and about our God.

7. That we can work hard and earn wages of our own accord, as well give money to those less fortunate of our own accord.

8. That we are able to spread the Gospel with no hindrance, so that Christ's glory will be revealed.


Soli Deo Gloria

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Guess Who Came To Dinner....Er....Breakfast? Part 2

This morning, my dad looked out the window again.

Dicey was out there, strolling about and waiting for breakfast, which wasn't there, thanks to Mr. Possum.

Somebody, however, was in her shelter.......

It wasn't the possum.

It was another cat.

That's right, Dad opened the door, and out of the cat shelter, looking straight at him, was a brown cat with black stripes and a white muzzle.

It was Marley.

Marley is the other cat that belongs to Dicey's owners. He's her "brother" in a sense. And now, he came out of the cat house and strolled about, as if to say, "I heard you guys served food here. Where's my continental breakfast?"

Apparently, Dicey, being the southern hostess, must have told him about the nice humans who fed her, and invited her brother to come spend the night at the kitty condo. They must have been snuggling together to keep warm.


Marley had always been a skittish kitty around us....he's more shy and reserved than his sister. But amazingly, he was hanging around, all calm and relaxed.

Looks like we're gonna be running a kitty hotel, with two cats indoors and two cats outdoors.

Oh, boy.

Soli Deo Gloria

Monday, November 3, 2008

Guess Who Came To Dinner (er...Breakfast)?

My mom told me this morning that while my brother and I was still asleep, our dad had noticed something strange going on, on the front porch step.

He had gone to look out the door window to see if there was any frost on the car.

Instead he found this dude eating out of Dicey's food bowl.

Yeeeeeeek! A giant rat! Big, smelly, hairless-tailed giant rat!

(Hehe.....just kidding)

Actually, that wasn't the picture of the opossum my folks saw. They were probably too busy wondering how to get rid of that........thing.

It was chomping away, happy as you please, at Dicey's food. And heaven knows what the poor cat must have been thinking as she watched this....thing eating her morning breakfast. It must have gone something like this:

Dicey: Oh my goodness! It's a giant cat with a naked tail! What's it doing eating my food? A giant, ugly, rat-tailed cat is eating my food!!!!! Help me, Rhonda!!!!!!!

Poor kitty.

I making a big fuss over this because we have never, ever, ever seen an opossum in our neighborhood, let alone on our front step, let alone eating cat food. This is a suburban girl you're talking to, whose closest contact with wild animals has been watching deer eat her grandma's ivy. (And squirrels with giant nuts in their mouths, but I digress.....)

So my folks are watching this possum eating the cat's food (the cat is watching safe in her little cat palace), and they're wondering what to do with it. They decide the best thing to do is to do what any good person would do......scare it silly!

So Mom rattles on the door handle, and quick as you please, they heard Mr. Possum scurry off into the dark.

Then they throw away the food and water bowls in case Mr. Possum had a lovely case of rabies. (My dad's coworker didn't think the possum had rabies though, if he ran away).

Dicey, of course, is not happy. When my dad opened the door again, she was leaning against the storm door with her paws splayed out in supplication for food.

Now we'll have to bring the new bowls in every night so Mr. Possum and any of his friends won't come back for more. They have just got to learn that there is no such thing as a free

So, that's the biggest story I've got for a little town where nothing much goes on.

I need to get out more.

Soli Deo Gloria

Sunday, November 2, 2008


For the first twenty-seven (okay, twenty-five) days of November, I am going to list something that I am thankful for, a thanksgiving on each day. Then, on the actual day of Thanksgiving, I will list all 27 things that I have thanked God for in the past 25 days. Very simple, if you're not a person who takes a lot of things for granted. And yet, very fullfilling.
Better than talking about turkey, right?
So, for the first two days that I have missed, I am first of all thankful for:
1. Jesus Christ dying on the cross for my sins, although I will never be worthy of such a gracious act of love.
2. That through God's grace, I was fortunate enough to grow up in a church and receive Christ into my life at a young age.
Soli Deo Gloria

Okie Dokie....It's Time For A New Banner!

Has anyone seen the wide (or not so wide) variety of blog banners these days??

I'm just trying to find an autumn blog banner, that's all.

And most of what I've seen is clutter.....even for a packrat like me!

Don't listen to me. I'm one of those picky people who have to have their blog banners just right....or don't wanna know what else, do you? Hehe.

Anyway, fear not, my fellow bloggy bloggers. The summer banner WILL be packed away for the autumn.

And yes, Lord willing, I will be blogging often (if I can get my pesky college and high school homework out of the way first).

Soli Deo Gloria

Tim Challies And His Son Are Going To The Dominican Republic.....

Tim Challies and company are going to the Dominican Republic on a missions trip with Compassion International.

And he's blogging all the way.

So is his son.

Need I say more?

Soli Deo Gloria!
