Monday, April 24, 2017

New Mouth, New Rules

    (I like starting out stories with that word, because that's how some translations of Beowulf start out.)
    So.  I realized several things:
    1.  I have a BA in English, and my house is Ravenclaw, so why am I not reviewing books?  This blog is the answer.
    2.  I work in a book warehouse.  A.  Book.  Warehouse.  Do you have any idea how long it occurred to me to stop wangsting about my low-brow job and realize I see different books everyday?  That I could review????  Someone smack me, please.
     3.  I gotta write.  I was trained to write.  And everything keeps coming anew.  Like the Eleventh Doctor said in the Eleventh Hour: new mouth, new rules.  And honey, do I have a sassy voice.  Can't keep it to Facebook.  Amen?
      4.  A blog is a project.  And I loooooooooooooooove projects.

    So.  First review comes up within two hours.  And my squirrely mind is coming up with all sorts of delights and treats for everyone.  Stay Tuned!

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