Saturday, December 1, 2007


Um.......Hi everyone,

Now is it just my computer, or has the picture for this blog (the girl picking flowers) has suddenly been covered up by my message board. Does anyone with blogger know what this is all about? If so, could you please tell me how to fix this? I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

OH!!!!!!!! By the way, I happened to be surfing the Net on my pink cyber surf board, when I washed up onto the island of Sweeeeet, dude! Anyway, this website is run by Josh Harris' (Author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye) brothers, Alex and Brett. Their goal is to encourage teens to rebel against our culture's low expectations of us, and work to become godly citizens and hard working citizens. Alex and Brett are also avid supporters of Mike Huckabee, a conservative presidential candidate. In fact, they were mentioned by Chuck Norris (Walker, Texas Ranger) on Fox TV, as having encouraged him to check Mike Huckabee out, which eventually led to Chuck's endorsement of Huckabee. Go to their blog and watch the video!

Sigh. Makes me wish I was old enough to vote! God willing, Huckabee will win!

For the Gospel!


Anonymous said...

I can see the picture fine on my computer (and, by the way, it's a beautiful picture!). I hope you get the problem fixed soon!

Tyler said...

About the image in the header of the page, in my Firefox browser, all I can see is the subject's thigh. I think that the image is slightly too tall. You may want to reset the layout by choosing a different one and then reverting to your original. That might get rid of any html alterations made by accident.

Or, maybe try another picture that is really wide and just a little tall. Here is an example:

I hope this helps.