Friday, March 7, 2008

It's Here!

Hi everyone,
Wednesday morning, I, my brother, and my mom were heading out the door to drive to school, when I happened to glance over at the flowerbed in front of our house. To my surprise, there were little tulip sprouts!

Now, these aren't OUR tulip sprouts. It's just a picture I got off the web. But they look similar to what our tulips look like when they grow a little. For now, our tulip sprouts are peeking out, as if to say, "Is it time yet?"

This winter didn't have a lot of snow, but I'm amazed that it's only the beginning of March, and flower buds are already coming up! I even saw a crocus at my grandma's! (Although the poor thing had fallen over from the rain we've been getting!)

God is amazing. He creates all this beautiful nature for His glory and our enjoyment. His artwork is sheer beauty - He created beauty! And one of the best things we can do is look at His artwork admiringly and thank Him for all the goodness He has made. I want to end this post with a poem by Cicely Mary Barker, aptly describing the crocus, one of the beautiful flowers that God made:

Crocus of yellow, new and gay;

Mauve and purple, in brave array;

Crocus white Like a cup of light,-

Hundreds of them are smiling up,

Each with a flame in its shining cup,

By the touch of the warm and welcome sun

Opened suddenly.

Spring's begun! Dance then, fairies, for joy, and sing,

The song of the coming again of Spring.

For the Gospel!

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